Board Minutes September 7, 2006
In attendance: Peter Burkey, Mark Logsdon, Robin Hudson, Jim Reier
Treasurers Report: $ 529.03
Old Business
- Viewing at the State Park this summer. Pete is looking into when would be a good time for viewing at the park, whether at the end of July or beginning of August.
- Constellation of the month will be Virgo presented by Mark Logsdon.
- Pete is also looking into showing a video at this months meeting as well.
New Business
- Discussion of Octobers open house at the planetarium on the 19th. The theme will be Deep Sky Objects”. I am e-mailing our contact at NASA to see if there are materials we can get from them to possibly pass out for our open house to the kids that attend.
- Constellation of the month will be Cassiopeia presented by George.
- Refreshment will be brought by Helmut.
- Mark will pay our annual fee to the State of Michigan of $20.00
Respectfully submitted by Robin Hudson