

Sep 07

September 2006

Board Minutes September 7, 2006

In attendance: Peter Burkey, Mark Logsdon, Robin Hudson, Jim Reier

Treasurers Report: $ 529.03

Old Business

  1. Viewing at the State Park this summer. Pete is looking into when would be a good time for viewing at the park, whether at the end of July or beginning of August.
  2. Constellation of the month will be Virgo presented by Mark Logsdon.
  3. Pete is also looking into showing a video at this months meeting as well.

New Business

  1. Discussion of Octobers open house at the planetarium on the 19th. The theme will be Deep Sky Objects”. I am e-mailing our contact at NASA to see if there are materials we can get from them to possibly pass out for our open house to the kids that attend.
  2. Constellation of the month will be Cassiopeia presented by George.
  3. Refreshment will be brought by Helmut.
  4. Mark will pay our annual fee to the State of Michigan of $20.00

Respectfully submitted by Robin Hudson