The November meeting took place on Thursday, November 5th at 84 East restaurant.
In attendance: Jim Reier, Frank Roldan, Peter Burkey, George Miller.
Old Business Items
1) Treasury Report:
Account balance as of Oct. 1st $801.03 Reimbursement to G. Miller for snacks -$12.00 Account balance as of Nov. 5th $789.03
Park Township pay check for October’s “Exploring the Solar System” presentation is “in the mail”.
2) Event Updates:
October 9th program for Park Township
We had a strong showing with many people registering the last two days, and some paying at the door. We split into two groups. Peter and Jim presented a planetarium show for both sessions. Frank led the other group on the “Pocket Solar System” scale model activity. George and Doug Sutherland helped out. Frank described different types of telescopes for the second session in the classroom.
October 16th Star Party at Vivekananda Monastery
This event at Vivekananda was cancelled, due to cloudy weather conditions.
October 24th Astronomy Day activities
This event at Curtis Center Park was cancelled, due to cloudy weather conditions.
3) Upcoming Events:
November 13th SAAA meeting
Frank will lead a video presentation of the Aurora Borealis. Jim will help us find Aurora information on the Internet.
November 19th Girl Scout program
SAAA will present a “Phases of the Moon” and Planetarium program for a Holland Girl Scout troop and a Brownie troop. The meeting will take place Thursday at Macatawa Bay Planetarium from 4:00pm to 6:00pm.
December 11th SAAA meeting- Christmas Party
Our annual Christmas Party will be held at Macatawa Bay Planetarium from 7:00pm to 9:00pm. Everyone should bring a treat to share.
March 4th Women’s Enrichment Forum
SAAA has been asked to present an astronomy program for the Women’s Enrichment Forum on Thursday, March 4th, 2010. Meeting would take place at Macatawa Bay Planetarium, after our monthly board meeting.
New Business Items
We discussed buying a club banner to hang at gatherings. Jim will work with Larry and Troy to obtain banner graphics.
Park Township asked if we wanted to have a program in their Winter 2010 Recreation schedule. We decided to decline this time, but plan to participate in their Spring 2010 schedule.
George Miller – Secretary
November 15, 2009