SAAA Board Minutes – September 2010
The September meeting took place on Thursday, September 3rd at 84 East restaurant.
In attendance: Jim Reier, Peter Burkey, and George Miller.
Old Business Items
1) Treasury Report:
Account balance as of August 5th $636.91 Membership Dues +$25.00 Park Township May program payment +$58.00 Account balance as of Sept 3rd: $719.91
2) Upcoming Events:
September 10th SAAA General Meeting: West Ottawa Planetarium at 7:00 PM
October 8th SAAA General Meeting: West Ottawa Planetarium at 7:00 PM
October 16th Astronomy Day: 2 until 11 PM in Downtown Holland. SAAA will setup on the corner of 8th and College and display telescopes, NSN tool kits, and distribute educational materials. Star gazing after sunset.
New Business Items
1) Jim Reier has submitted building request forms to WOPS for club meetings in the 2010/2011 school year.
2) Donation to International Dark Sky Association dues will be paid ($50).
3) The SAAA member list has been updated for distribution.
4) Rich and Karen Lichti of Holland donated a Meade ETX-90EC telescope with accessories to our club.
5) Paul Vandrunen, owner of Tri-Ponds Campground near Allegan, expressed his desire for SAAA members to present an astronomy program for the campers. This is a possibility for summer, 2011.
6) A new member mailing list,, has been activated. Attachments up to 5MB in size are supported.
7) We plan to use the next few months to review the toolkits from the Night Sky Network, for outreach presentations to the community.
George Miller – Secretary
September 06, 2010