SAAA Board Minutes – June 2010
The June meeting took place on day, June 9th at 84 East Pasta.
In attendance: Jim Reier, Frank Roldan, Peter Burkey, George Miller.
Business Items
1) Treasury Report: Account balance as of May 01 $710.85 Collected dues & Park Twp +$51.00 Astronomy League dues -$80.00 Video "The Pluto Files" -$24.94 Account balance as of Mar. 8th $656.91
2) Astronomical League membership roll has been updated, and dues paid.
The SAAA’s non-profit status change (required by the IRS) is in the works.
3)Upcoming Events:
June 11th program for Cub Scout Troop 3006 (Postponed to June 18th)
Astronomy Belt Loop training for Cub Scout Pack 3006. Hemlock Crossings county park. Members to meet at 7:30 PM to prepare and set-up. Scouts to arrive by 8:30 PM.
June 18th program for Cub Scout Troop 3006 (Postponed to July 1st)
Astronomy Belt Loop training for Cub Scout Pack 3006. Hemlock Crossings county park. Members to meet at 7:30 PM to prepare and set-up. Scouts to arrive by 8:30 PM.
July 1st program for Cub Scout Troop 3006
Astronomy Belt Loop training for Cub Scout Pack 3006, at Macatawa Bay Planetarium. Members to meet at 9:00 AM to prepare and set-up. Scouts to arrive by 10:00 AM.
July 9th (Tentative) Observing Session- Holland State Park
August 6th (Tentative) Observing Session- Van Buren State Park
September 10th General Meeting – Macatawa Bay Middle School
October 16th – Astronomy Day downtown Holland (7:00 pm- 11:00 pm)
New Business Items
Frank has researched the Digitalis portable planetarium This consists of a Digitalis inflatable Dome and a Digitarium projector system. Frank recommends that we apply for grant money to obtain a set to support our community outreach programs.
George Miller – Secretary
June 26, 2010