Present: Pete Burkey, Jim Reier, Mark Logsdon, Larry Logsdon
Treasurer’s Report: $561.28
Old Business:
- Get Sky & Telescope subscriptions of $32.95 in by the April meeting. If you
have received an invoice, give it to Mark Logsdon - International Dark Skies payment has been made
- Clear Sky Clock has been paid $25.00
- Astronomical League membership has lapsed. Mark Logsdon will review
- Planetarium status – school administration is in the process of negotiating to get equipment repaired/updated
- Logo status – Terry and his wife continue to work out details concerning number of stitches for the logo
- NIAGfest Star Party in Northern Indiana is scheduled for April 22-23. Call or see Larry Logsdon if you need a registration form
New Business:
- April meeting will be April 21st. Robert Wade will be speaking to us about his February travels to the Florida Star Party
- Board approved 2005 gift of $50.00 to Vivekananda Monastery
- June 10-11, Dayton Ohio Star Party
- There was discussion of changing the name of SAAA. Due to legal state requirements and paperwork involved, the name will be unchanged
- Refreshments reminder:
- April – John Alderson
- May – Carson Mantooth
- June – George Miller
Respectfully submitted by Larry Logsdon