

Jan 05

January 2006

Board Minutes January 5, 2006

In attendance: Pete Burkey, Mark Logsdon, Robin Hudson, Jim Reier

Treasurers Report: $ 399.65

Old Business

  1. 2006 membership dues ($20) to be collected at the January 19th Club meeting.
  2. George Miller met with Holland Public Library and requested permission to setup a telescope workshop on May 6th (Nat’l Astronomy Day). The library is willing to house our workshop, but not on May 6th because that’s the start of Tulip Time. The Club will discuss a new workshop date at the January meeting.
  3. The Club was informed that the planetarium upgrade would occur during January. Jim Reier will contact Dave Zimmer to arrange planetarium training.
  4. January 21st Field Trip to Kalamazoo Air-Zoo
    1. Members must RSVP to Robin Hudson no later than Monday 1/16/06.
    2. Please identify all members in your party. Be sure to indicate number of children ages 15 years or younger and seniors over the age of 60.
    3. Robin Hudson will purchase tickets online on 1/17/06. Participants are asked to reimburse Robin at the January 19th SAAA Club Meeting or on the day of the field trip. Robin will email each member to advise on the amount of reimbursement (as our discount will be determined by number of guests).
    4. We will meet and group at the Air-Zoo at 10:00am. Tickets will be distributed upon your arrival.
    5. We will break for lunch at the Kitty-Hawk Cafe located inside the Air-Zoo.

New Business

  1. Upcoming SAAA meetings:
    1. January 19th – Membership dues collected followed by Quiz Bowl.
    2. February 16th – Collimating telescope tutorial (performed on 4.5″ and 6″ Club scopes and member scopes.)
    3. March 16th – Park Township night, power-point and planetarium presentations of our Solar System
    4. April 20th – DVD Video recently received by Jet Propulsion Labs (JPL).
    5. May 18th – Guest speaker (to be announced).
  2. Jim Reier will forward this year’s observing schedule to Vivekanada Monastery.
  3. Pete Burkey will contact Holland Parks/Recreation to request permission to setup telescopes at Kollen Park on Saturday, May 6th (Nat’l Astronomy Day). Note; this night is the Tulip Time fireworks show.
  4. Mark Logsdon to contact/arrange a guest speaker (GVSU Prof.?) for our May 18th club meeting.
  5. Mark Logsdon to forward active member list to Pete, Jim and Robin.
  6. Jim Reier proposed the Club solicit donations at public events as a way to fund proceeds that go towards the Int’l Dark Sky Association and other valued charities/services.
  7. Mark Logsdon to produce a copy of the Non-Profit Organization filing with the State of Michigan that identifies the SAAA Non-Profit identification number.
  8. Robin Hudson volunteered to consult with a friend who is a CPA about legalities governing the acceptance of donations, and to investigate state and federal laws for non-profit organizations.

Respectfully submitted by Jim Reier