

Oct 05

October 2006

Board Minutes October 5, 2006

In attendance: Peter Burkey, Mark Logsdon, Robin Hudson, Jim Reier

Treasurers Report: $ 507.49

Old Business

  1. Discussion of Octobers open house at the planetarium on the 19th. The theme will be Deep Sky Objects”. I am e-mailing our contact at NASA to see if there are materials we can get from them to possibly pass out for our open house to the kids that attend. Cosmic Voyage will be shown. We will see how many people will be attending this event to see if we will need to split the group again.
  2. Constellation of the month will be Cassiopeia presented by George.
  3. Refreshment will be brought by Helmut.
  4. Mark will pay our annual fee to the State of Michigan of $20.00.

New Business

  1. Mark will be providing the refreshments for our Octobers Open House.
  2. Robin will call NASA Nancy on Monday to ask when the packet will be sent for our open house. She is planning on sending materials to be passed out for the kids that attend the event.
  3. Pete is planning on getting to the Planetarium early the night of the event to make sure everything is ready for presentation.
  4. Robin will be e-mailing all club members for suggestions for topics to be discussed in future meetings. I will also ask for suggestions on what we can do for our Christmas gathering, especially for the kids that attend.
  5. Novembers Constellation of the Month will be Taurus done by Robin.
  6. Refreshments will be provided by Larry Logsdon.
  7. Election for board members will be held in November.

Respectfully submitted by Robin Hudson