

Nov 02

November 2006

Board Minutes November 2, 2006

In attendance: Peter Burkey, Mark Logsdon, Jim Reier

Treasurers Report: $ 517.96

Old Business

  1. Park Township Night. The October 19th presentation covering Deep Sky Objects went very well. Thanks to all who helped make it a success!
  2. Proceeds. Jim Reier is awaiting a check from Park Township containing admission proceeds from our Deep Sky Objects presentation.
  3. Planetarium training. Training for the new Planetarium console was held on September 27, 2006. In attendance were Peter Burkey, Jim Reier and Mark Logsdon along with science teachers from West Ottawa. A follow-up session occurred on October 10th and was attended by Mark Logsdon and Jim Reier.
  4. Meeting topics. Robin Hudson has solicited ideas for meeting topics from all members and will share them at the November meeting. Robin also requests ideas for the upcoming Christmas program in December.
  5. Constellation of the month for November is Taurus the bull, presented by Robin Hudson.
  6. November Refreshments. Provided by Larry Logsdon.
  7. Officer elections will occur in November for all positions: Club President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. These are 2-year terms and anyone can volunteer.
  8. Club membership cards. Mark Logsdon will research and gather quotes from area printers to replenish membership card surplus. Membership cards will be endorsed and distributed at the January meeting.

New Business

  1. Mercury Transit. Mr. Douglas Furton of the Grand Haven Tribune asked the SAAA if they were planning any community events on November 8th to cover the transit of Mercury. He intends to include them in his next newspaper column. Many thanks to Peter Burkey who replied to Mr. Furton and coordinated with the Science department at Hope College to jointly participate in a community event on November 8th.
  2. Guest Speakers. Mark Logsdon has contacted Dr. Kevin Cole of Grand Valley State University who has agreed to be a guest speaker. Dr. Cole is a specialist on meteorites and held a weekend conference in 2005 covering natural meteorites and unnatural meteorite blending. A second guest speaker is also in the works, to be announced. The availability dates for guest speakers is unknown, but strongly desired for our Jan or Feb club meetings.
  3. Great Lakes Planetarium Association. Peter Burkey has volunteered to represent the SAAA by joining the Great Lakes Planetarium Association. We recently learned about the association through Mr. Mark Perkins who conducted the planetarium training. As a member of the GLPA, we are entitled to resources such as slide-shows, audio and planetarium presentations. Senior membership dues of $10 will be reimbursed to Peter Burkey from the Club Treasury.
  4. Meeting Night. Peter Burkey acknowledged that junior SAAA members are unable to attend meetings on school nights, and proposed that monthly meetings move from Thursdays to Fridays on the 3rd week of the month. This proposal is to be put in front of the members for a vote at the November meeting.
  5. Star of Bethlehem. Peter Burkey will present a slide show on the Star of Bethlehem in December.
  6. New Members. The SAAA welcomes Yolanda Williams to the Club.
  7. December Refreshments. All club members please bring a treat for our December Christmas party.
  8. Star Party. The next star party is November 17th. Sunset at 5:20pm.
  9. Next Months Constellation. Need a volunteer for the next constellation of the month.

Respectfully submitted by Jim Reier