

Nov 09

What’s Up in the Sky

What’s Up in the Sky – November, 2019

A Variety of Sights Make Up November’s Nights

With few bright stars to the south, fall and winter constellations still rising in the east, and summer constellations fading in the west, it’s a good thing the Moon and several planets will add to the sights worth viewing this month.

Last month I focused on the Summer Triangle and the stars and constellations associated with it. Remember that this is an example of an asterism, a group of stars that are either part of a larger constellation, such as the Big Dipper is part of Ursa Major, or made up of stars from different constellations, such as the Summer Triangle.

Another prominent asterism is the Great Square of Pegasus, which is easily recognized high in the southeast, appearing to rest on its lower left corner. This group of stars can be used to find the Andromeda galaxy. Starting at the left-most star in the square, move to the left and notice two equally-spaced pairs of star. Right above the second pair you should be able to spot a fuzzy blur which is clearly not a star. This is the Andromeda Galaxy, the only object in the sky visible to the naked eye (under dark skies) that is not part of our own Milky Way Galaxy.

The galaxy can also be located by considering the right, or upper, half of the W-shaped constellation, Cassiopeia, to be an arrowhead pointing down and to the right, directly at the Andromeda Galaxy. This object is also a great sight for binoculars.

Now use binoculars to scan the region of the sky below Cassiopeia and you will come to one of the night sky’s finest jewels, the “Double Cluster” in the constellation Perseus. This is a pair of large, bright clusters of stars embedded in the faint glow of the Milky Way. Located 7000 light years away, the two contain many stars of differing brightness.

In addition to star clusters and galaxies, this month offers opportunities for observing the Moon and several planets. Tonight the first quarter Moon, Saturn, and Jupiter will be lined up and evenly spaced along the southern horizon. Venus will be joining the pair as the month progresses. Three weeks from now, Venus and Jupiter will be separated by a distance less than the size of a full Moon and on November 28th, they will be joined by a thin, crescent Moon creating a dazzling sight near the southwestern horizon. And therein lies the problem. Even though this close gathering will be quite a lovely sight, it will be so low in the sky that you will have to have very clear skies and a very clear view of the horizon. After sunset over Lake Michigan would be nice.

Finally, you may have heard that the planet Mercury will transit, or pass directly in front of, the Sun on the morning of November 11. Although this is a significant event, I think our chances of witnessing it are slim. First, it’s on a Monday morning. Second, you will need special equipment designed specifically for solar observing. And third, it’s November.

DO NOT attempt to observe the transit without the proper equipment. For more information, check out www.eclipsewise.com for tips on how to safely observe what’s up in the sky.

This month in history:
Nov. 3: The dog Laika is first living creature to orbit Earth, aboard Sputnik 2 – 1957
Nov. 9: Carl Sagan born. – 1934
Nov. 12: Great Leonid Meteor Shower – 1833
Nov. 19: Second lunar landing made by Apollo 12 – 1969
Nov. 20: Edwin Hubble born – 1889
Nov. 27: First photograph of a meteor shower – 1885
Nov. 30: Fragment of 10-pound meteorite strikes and bruises Alabama woman, Elizabeth Hodges-1954