

Oct 13

October 2005

Board Meeting October 13, 2005

In attendance: Pete Burkey, Mark Logsdon, Larry Logsdon

Treasurers Report: $ 399.65:

Old Business:

  • Discussions of methods of increasing club membership continue and Pete Burkey is working on this.
  • During the September Jim Reier suggested ways of improving the SAAA web page. More to follow in upcoming months.
  • Program plans for 2006 had previous discussion and are covered under new business.
  • Observing night is scheduled for November 4th.

New Business:

Future meetings:

  • October – Larry will cover the 2005 Great Lakes Star Gaze.
  • November Mark will cover status of the Chinese space program.
  • December Pete will do a short program on the Star of Bethlehem followed by the clubs Christmas party.
  • Board spent considerable time discussing methods of increasing membership.
  • February or March Park Township will be invited to the club meeting.

Moved and approved SAAA offers and pays for all future guest speakers

The club is now getting publicity. Monthly meetings are scheduled to appear
in the GR Press Lakeshore Section, Holland Sentential, and on WHTC Holland Radio.

Outdoor Discovery Center public observing night has been confirmed as Monday, October 24th with observing beginning at 7:30 PM.

Our membership list needs updating. If you have changed e-mail address, phone number, etc. please let a board member know ASAP. If possible let us know at the October meeting.

Larry Logsdon has designed a club business card and a proof will be available at the November meeting.

Respectfully submitted by Larry Logsdon