

Nov 01

Goodbye, Robert Wade

wade nsp7

Robert Wade will be leaving us for the Ann Arbor area.

I got to scope with Robert 3 or 4 times.
The very first star party I went to Robert was there, his knowledge and friendship made me feel very welcome. Robert was never put off with any question I had for him. He was always willing to share views, point out objects and help me learn the night sky.
Robert you will be missed

A charter member of the SAAA, Robert has held various club duties, including Vice-President, President, and Editor of the club newsletter, The Shoreline Observer. His interest in astronomy spans over 35 years, and he has been an active observer for most of that time. Hard core is the term. He likes observing anything beyond earth’s atmosphere, but is especially fond of “faint fuzzies” such as galaxies and planetary nebula. His equipment includes several binoculars, a 13.1″ TeleKit II dobsonian telescope (with vintage Coulter Odyssey 1 mirror), and a 20″ Obsession dobsonian telescope. He favors dark skies such as can be found at the Nebraska Star Party, to which he is a frequent visitor. He is also a holder of the official Honorary Messier Certificate, and unofficial SEDS Messier Certificate. He is currently plowing through the Herschel 400 and Herschel II observing programs.