Board Minutes November 3, 2005
In attendance: Pete Burkey, Jim Reier, Carson Mantooth, Mark Logsdon, Larry Logsdon
Treasurers Report: $ 399.65
Old Business:
- Mark Logsdon will do a presentation regarding the Chinese space program for the November meeting.
- December meeting Pete Burkey will do a short presentation on the Star Of Bethlehem. The annual club Christmas party will follow.
- Feb and/or March, 2006 Park Township presentation. Jim Reier will contact Park Township.
- ODC public star party was held Oct. 25th. Six members were in attendance with scopes.
- Business cards have been printed and were given to Board members. Cards will be available for all members at the November meeting.
New Business:
Future meetings:
- November Mark will cover status of the Chinese space program.
- December Pete will do a short program on the Star of Bethlehem followed by the clubs Christmas party.
Carson will contact Herrick District Library to determine if subscription exists for Sky & Telescope as the subscriber. Carson will also check out a subscription to Night Sky.
Extensive discussion continued this month concerning gaining new members and retaining old members. The following will be done.
- Pete Burkey contact members from 2004 membership list.
- Conduct a clinic on telescope basics prior to the Christmas season. Session would be held at ODC. Mark Logsdon will contact ODC to determine if this is feasible.
- Contact Riders Hobby Shop and invite them to the “telescope basics seminar. Pete Burkey will make this contact.
Respectfully submitted by Larry Logsdon