

Mar 02

March 2006

Board Minutes March 2, 2006

In attendance: Pete Burkey, Mark Logsdon, Robin Hudson, Jim Reier

Treasurers Report: $ 519.92

Old Business

  1. Robin will file the SAAA with the Federal Government as a non-profit club. The name will remain “Shoreline Amateur Astronomical Association”, as agreed by the board.
  2. Robin was elected to serve as Secretary for the remainder of the term. The next officer elections will occur at the November 2006 club meeting.

New Business

    1. Mark will prepare an updated list of member names, email addresses and numbers for distribution to all SAAA members.
    2. Community turn out for March 16ths open house is going to be abundant. It was decided to divide the group into two sessions. One group will watch an informative JPL video, while the other group will have a Planetarium presentation. Once the presentation is done, the groups will switch. Pete will provide snacks for this event. It was also decided to have a donation jar as well. This week, Pete and Jim will be learning how to use the up-dated Planetarium.
    3. Jim is arranging an IMAX Theater-Roving Mars movie-field trip for a Sunday Matinee on March 19th.
    4. Messier Marathon is March 24th and back up is March 25th at the Monastery.
    5. Since Februarys club meeting was cancelled and the club was going to collimate telescopes, it was decided to move the collimation training to April.
    6. Mark indicated that the leader of a Girl Scout Troup is requesting training for her scouts. They have a camping trip in May and would like to learn about the constellations, etc. The SAAA is considering a private showing for this group using the Planetarium. Jim has agreed to prepare sky charts for this event.
    7. In May the group will be viewing a video.
    8. LEAP Program. The SAAA will present a program at the Planetarium or an outdoor show for the LEAP group.


  • Refreshment schedule is as follows:
    March Pete Burkey
    April John Alderson
    May Carson Mantooth
    June George Miller


Respectfully submitted by Robin Hudson